Tuesday 17 July 2012

Hello world!

Good morning readers!

Breakfast... my favourite meal of the day! :)

Most people, when going out for a meal, choose to go out for dinner, lunch or even afternoon tea for a treat. Some even resort to going out for a simple coffee. The idea being if you are to go out and spend money on a meal, it should be a significant one in your day, so people have a tendency to choose other meals over breakfast. Such is the mentality of the Western World.

Even though physicians, nutritionists and other medical experts constantly highlight the importance of breakfast, the modern way of life has led to the formation of poor, nutritional habits whereby skipping breakfast has become the norm for a large percentage of the Western population; people give us a whole host of excuses for bypassing breakfast which we can save for another post...

Therefore, the concept of going out for breakfast, for many people, is a relatively new and alien one and this is made apparent by the fact that only relatively recently, have the owners/managers of restaurants started to pad out the breakfast sections of their menus making a wider range of options available for consumers. I too, would like to help to increase the importance of eating well at the beginning of the day, giving people various, delicious options; this being an important reason for writing this blog.

I have always loved waking up in the morning and eating a hearty meal. This love has been further intensified when I started meeting a dear, university friend for breakfast in London on a regular basis for a catch up. We call each other our 'Breakfast Buddy'. :)

We have visited quite a few, delightful places in this wonderful city for breakfast and I will be writing about our experiences here. So I hope that you will follow me as I impart my increasing knowledge on the best breakfasts London has to offer and maybe go and try them out for yourselves as well? ;)

Remember to 'Breakfast like a King!'... :)

Love and pancakes, with maple syrup on top! xx


© Londontopnosh, Meetali Parekh and Best London Breakfasts, 2012 - 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Londontopnosh, Meetali Parekh and Best London Breakfasts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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